About us

Research in noise and vibration was initiated in the late sixties as an offspring of instabilities in milling operations. Initial efforts focussed entirely on developing generic experimental methods, with the birth of modal analysis and applications in the automotive and aeronautics sectors. The eighties are marked with the introduction of numerical techniques (finite elements and boundary elements) and combined numerical-experimental methods (FE model updating). In the nineties, the scope widened even further with the development of active control strategies to improve the vibro-acoustic behaviour of systems, together with the advent of mechatronics.

Today, after more than 40 years, noise and vibration issues remain a significant challenge, not only in the development of high-tech products, processes and systems, but also for the health of people and the well-being of society, for a sustainable environment and energy supply, and safe and comfortable mobility.

Industrial relevance and advanced applications have always been major drivers in our strategy. LMS International, now Siemens Industry Software NV (SISW), was established in 1979 as one of the first spin-off companies of KU Leuven and is now the global leader in dynamic testing and mechatronic simulation.

Another important element in our strategy is dissemination. Since 1975 we have organised the​ yearly ISMA and ISAAC courses and the biennial ISMA conference on Noise & Vibration engineering, attracting more than 600 participants from industry and academia.


Some of the LMSD Principal Investigators actively contribute to Flanders Make, the Flemish strategic research center for the manufacturing industry, through the core labs E2E (Product-Production End-to-End) and MPRO (Motion Products). Within KU Leuven, these PIs are also key members of the Flanders Make @ KU Leuven community

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